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A new concert series ‘Platform: Jazz’ starts in March 2022.

Besides the Platform Classical concerts (27 editions already), the Bernaerts house is also taking the direction of jazz. 

A stage in the middle of the room with small tables around it, a mood light and a drink, subdued lighting, a club atmosphere, with attention for the music and art all around as a sounding board.

In Room Platform, the auction room, the former interwar cinema, once called ‘la plus belle salle d’Anvers’ when Fritz Lang’s films were still projected there. Rumour has it that even Paul Van Ostaijen passed through here.

Programmer on duty is double bass player, composer and producer Nicolas Rombouts.
Curator: the Bernaerts House.

The names of the musicians are announced!
We can assure you, it will be a fantastic program.

Save the dates!
March 3 Steven Delannoye (sax) en Nicola Andrioli (piano)  SOLD OUT
April 6 AKI quartet with special guest Joachim Badenhorst (sax)  SOLD OUT
April 8 EXTRA concert Nicolas Rombouts & Matt Watts + Kris Dane
May 12 Eve Beuvens solo (piano)
June 16 Tutu Puoane (vocals) & Clemens van der Feen (double bass)  SOLD OUT

1 concert =  € 15
4 concerts =  € 60
(-26 years: € 12 or  € 48)

If you buy 4 tickets for 1 concert, you can reserve a table separately. Please let us know when you make your reservation.

An original gift, also to give a boost to the music sector!

Entrance: Zaal Platform, Verlatstraat 20, Antwerp
Doors: 19h
Start concert: 8 pm

Reservations via