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On our Fall Sale, most light will be shed on 20th Century and Contemporary Art, from paintings over drawings to prints, from James Ensor all the way to Sam Dillemans.


The true masterpiece from the sale will undoubtedly be James Ensor's 1913 canvas 'The dance in the clearing' (Tricot nr. 469), bearing an estimation of 400-500.000 euros. Apart from Ensor, there will be paintings by Emile Claus, Marten Melsen, Albert Saverijs, Eugeen van Mieghem, Floris Jespers, Sam Dillemans a.o. For those collector who tend more to the Art Nouveau era, we have a fine selection of Daum and Gallé glassware, apart from works by Demeter Chiparus, Paul Philippe and Jacques Marin.

On 27 October we have a Works on Paper sale, with also items by James Ensor. From a private collection come six drawings from the Hansen family, former hotel keepers in Ostend and direct neighbours to Ensor. His fellow Ostend master Léon Spilliaert is present with with three watercolours from the early twenties. Slightly anterior to Ensor's drawings we have a marvellous sheet by the great Dutch artist Breitner and the Frenchman Steinlen, along with works by Van Mieghem, Peiser …. Post War art wraps up the auction week.

From the former collection of Lode Craebeckx comes a intriguing drawing by Ossip Zadkine and bright horseman by Marino Marini a.o. Together with works by the Antwerp architect Luc Deleu, two collages by Mesens, the one to especially look out for is Sol LeWitt with a colourfull composition from 1988.